All Posts
- Outhouse Adventures 05/22/2016
- Moving, Moving, Moving Toward the Future: excerpt from my next book titled “Living with Twelve Men 06/25/2015
- Wet Weather Report… 03/15/2015
- Meet Mona Lisa and Vincent Van Groundhog 02/14/2015
- The Picture Palace by Guest author, Pauline Chand 01/31/2015
- Thanksgiving Wedding (sorry it’s late, but better late than never.) 11/29/2014
- Miss McKay 10/28/2014
- Waneta and Butch 05/05/2014
- How to Break a Bone 04/04/2014
- Show Me Yours and I’ll Show You Mine 03/11/2014
- Music Appreciation-Polk School-Cedar Rapids Iowa-1939 02/10/2014
- Parties for Poor Kids 01/11/2014
- Halo Shampoo Assembly Hit 11/05/2013
- A Good Lesson by Betty Auchard 10/02/2013
- All Hands on Deck by Betty Auchard 09/06/2013
- Bad Girl by Betty Auchard 08/09/2013
- Lucy, the Cat by Betty Auchard 07/27/2013
- The Inquisition (part 3 of the The Stranger and the Preacher) 06/21/2013
- The Gourmet Dinner (Part 2 of The Stranger and the Preacher) 06/14/2013
- The Stranger and the Preacher by Betty Auchard (Part 1) 05/28/2013
- Aunt “Nomi” 03/03/2013
- Written When We, Myself and I Turned 80 in August 2010 by Betty Auchard 12/09/2012
- Nose Rags (excerpt from The Home for the Friendless) 10/29/2012
- Halloween and the End of the World by Betty Auchard 09/28/2012
- Tattling in the Teepee (excerpt from the Home for the Friendless) 08/31/2012
- Dreams of Flying at the Home for the Friendless 07/29/2012
- Pin Cushion Spills its Guts 07/03/2012
- Welcome to the Home for the Friendless 06/26/2012
- Homemade Booze: a story that didn’t get into “The Home for the Friendless.” 05/26/2012
- The Wild Woman on L Avenue 05/01/2012
- My Mother’s Afghan 03/22/2012
- The Sure Fire Black Hole Rodent Trap vs Mr. Swat 02/20/2012
- Sleeping with Denny 01/27/2012
- New Year Storm 01/02/2012
- My Controversial Christmas Tree 12/01/2011
- Thanksgiving in the Tavern 11/01/2011
- ART LESSON: How to Create a Line Drawing 10/04/2011
- Reinventing Myself 09/12/2011
- Scoping Guys 08/19/2011
- Fill ‘er up! 07/31/2011
- Guest Post: Red Pepper Dreams and Dr. Seuss Nightmares 07/19/2011
- Betty’s Book Tour in Iowa 07/06/2011
- Guest Post: Sandi Corbitt-Sears, Editor 06/21/2011
- Holes Happen 05/27/2011
- Ode to the Clothesline 05/07/2011
- This is Not an Emergency 04/12/2011
- Guest Blog: 9th grade student essay 03/28/2011
- EAT LESS MOVE MORE 03/11/2011
- Starting at the Bottom 02/20/2011
- Art Lessons from Mother Nature 02/04/2011
- The Mad Walk 01/18/2011
- Read My Lips 01/08/2011
- Don’t Wear Slippers in the Forest 12/27/2010
- Any Tree Free. Merry Christmas! 12/15/2010
- A Friendless Proselyter in Iowa 12/05/2010
- Thanksgiving in the Tavern 11/25/2010
- Outhouse Adventures 11/17/2010
- Friendless Kids: Then and Now 11/11/2010
- Introduction 08/09/2010
- From Dancing in My Nightgown 06/25/2010
Auntie Marge and Uncle Al
Betty Auchard
Cedar Rapids
Christmas elf
Christmas Eve 1942
Crate and Barrel
Dancing in My Nightgown
divorce during The Great Depression
dysfunctional family
family tavern
flawless leaf prints
free Christmas trees Cedar Rapids Iowa in 1942
fuel rationing Cedar Rapids 1942
Game of Authors
game of Bingo
Game of Old Maid
Great Depression
home for the friendless
Hy-Vee Grocery Store
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
movies during The Great Depression
multiple divorcing
music in the air
outhouse adventures
poor families in Cedar Rapids Iowa 1942
shuffle board
Spiritual Director
Thanksgiving dinner
The great depression
the Home for the Friendless
The Home for the Friendless in Cedar Rapids
the land of make-believe
the USO in the 40s
Tom Combs Grocery Store
underprivileged children Cedar Rapids 1942
Uptown Village Cafe
visual arts
WW2 Rationing and Recipes
Lucy the Cat illustration
Posted by admin | July 27th, 2013
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